About us

ZipLawyer.com connects people with legal options. We aggregate and summarize companies, products, and services in our comparison section. This helps people find the most convenient choice for their legal needs. Along with the comparison section, we also have a proprietary network of legal professionals for general legal inquiries.

How does ZipLawyer make money?

ZipLawyer.com is a completely free-to-use service. We don’t charge you to access any of our content. To ensure that we can continue to provide you with the best possible content, we may earn a commission from the companies listed on our website. The compensation we receive from each company may influence where, how, and in what order they appear in our comparison platform.

The ‘Find a Lawyer’ section listed on our website leads to the ZipLawyer partner network, which consists of dozens of companies looking to help people with their legal needs. Filling out a form or calling the provided phone number will connect you with a legal professional from our network. Depending on your location and type of legal problem, we may earn a commission as compensation.

How are overall company ratings determined on ZipLawyer?

ZipLawyer company ratings are based on hours of in-depth editorial research. Our team reviews each brand’s products, services, and TrustPilot score to determine the final assigned rating against its peers in the industry. ZipLawyer receives no compensation from any company or third party to influence our rating process.

Each component below has a score from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best possible score.

Products & Services

ZipLawyer’s editorial team researches and reviews legal companies and products. Each brand on our website has a unique blend of services and offerings for a given legal need: range of products, ease-of-use, online accessibility, customer service, awards, and more. The specific pros and cons used for the calculation of each company are listed on their review page.

TrustPilot Score

TrustPilot is a popular third-party website for consumer reviews. They are open to any consumers who are willing to share a business review. A brand’s score on TrustPilot is used to factor the final rating shown on ZipLawyer. If a brand does not have a TrustPilot score, the ZipLawyer rating will be based solely on their Products & Services.

How are rankings in the Compare Services section determined?

Many or all of the companies featured in our Compare Services section provide compensation to us. These commissions are how we maintain our free service for consumers. Compensation, along with consumer trends, determines where and how companies will rank for a given legal need.

Consumer Trends

ZipLawyer measures each company by user engagement. We accept advertising compensation from many of the companies listed on ZipLawyer. This provides us with data on consumer purchases for each company’s product or service. Brands that receive a higher click-through-rate or purchase-rate than others in their respective categories are deemed more beneficial.


Contact us at info@ziplawyer.com.